Mark your calendar: Substack NBA watch along
Join me and other NBA heads on Tuesday's opening night.
We’re doing something fun next week to celebrate the NBA’s opening night. Substack’s NBA heads are getting together for a season kickoff watch along in the app. Joining me will be the genius
crew including David Thorpe, Jarod Hector and Travis Moran, in addition to the amazing Last Night, In Basketball’s and Katie Heindl offame. It’s gonna be great.Here’s how we can hang: go download the Substack app and turn on push notifications, and when we start posting, Substack will hit you up and let you know it’s time to dance. Here’s the link, if you prefer to stay in the loop that way:
In sum: We’re gonna chat via Notes about all things NBA while we watch the Lakers at Nuggets / Suns at Warriors doubleheader.
Make sure you join us and get your predictions on the record so you can take your victory lap later in the season. Cool?
See you there.