All I know is that the Minnesota Pipers, er, Muskies, um North Stars? Still really suck.

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Tom Haberstroh

I’m so sick of watching warriors games man, I like them but come on. Nuggets are my team, good to see their air time going up!

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Tom Haberstroh

loved this article :)

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I don’t recall if Brian said this as well on his pod so either way it’s not my own thought because I recall hearing it somewhere else, maybe NBA Front Office pod, but aren’t the Clips also losing out on dates because of the LA Kings?

They end up being at best the 3rd option on most dates when it comes to scheduling.

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Pretty crazy, right? Hence why Steve Ballmer wants to hang out his own shingle.

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Loved reading these thoughts, thanks.

How much of the Lakers-Warriors national TV schedule advantage can be chalked up to being the second game of a doubleheader? There are only so many teams to host 10 pm ET starts. (Is Phoenix included in this count? I haven't committed their time-zone changing to memory.)

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The NBA might be in trouble when Steph and LeBron retire.

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