One of my favorite people (and a favorite to so many others in the NBA universe), my friend Travonne “Tray” Edwards joins the pod at a very … let’s say transitional time in my life.
The copywriter at top ad agency Weiden-Kennedy / author of two books / confidante to NBA stars / Count The Dings co-founder / social media expert / Compton native / amazing teammate helps me untangle the web of emotions following my mother’s recent death.
First, the social media guru explains the memification of the Mexico aliens and how to game the Twitter/X/Instagram system. We ask: is it actually shameful to pay for Twitter Blue?
Then we get to the heavy stuff. The text he sent me after my mom died. Grief. Loss. Childhood trauma. Forgiveness and what it was like to have a mom who was 14. The difference between a mom and Mom. Gratitude. Spiritual healing. A lot.
Then he breaks some big news about Team USA.
As he texted me after, “it’s not a pod it’s a open convo.”
Enjoy. And go follow Tray.
Thank you to super producer Anthony Mayes.
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